Computer Thieves Lurking on Facebook

My computer is less than 3 weeks old and has highly sophisticated protection against viruses and malware, and so forth, but it can't be protected against all cyber-crime. The crooks are learning their trade in easily accessible classes and are robbing people using their computers. It is a crime that law-enforcers are unable to keep ahead of. As technology moves forward so do the powers of those who are out to cheat and steal.
They are highly trained and experts are manipulating the facts and now they appear to be using social media sites like Facebook for victims. When viewing some videos posted on my page there was nothing to alert me to the fact that someone was tapping into my computer. Within minutes a huge message was written across the browser warning me that malware was affecting it and not to open or close any windows until checking with the technician for which a number was given.
Of course one automatically takes notice of such a warning and the number was rung and a man with a heavy accent promised that he was able to fix the computer. What he needed me to do was type in the name in the URL and when it opened it gave instructions for him to take control of it. That is when a warning came up asking if I wanted him to alter my hard-drive for that to happen.
Warning bells rang out loud and clear and asking him who he was and why he should be trusted he came up with excused like "you are ringing me for help. I am a technician for fixing computers and we do this world-wide." He then informed me that there will be a charge for his services. On my insistence he gave me the domain address for his company that is registered in Jamaica of all places.
If the Spirit had not warned me and my computer was not used to do God's work the alarm bells may not have sounded. Checking the company online brought up pages of complaints from people who have paid money to this mob.
We are in the last days and crooks are pouring out of the woodwork everywhere while looking to take advantage of the vulnerable. The easy targets are those who search the web and use multiple sites without adequate protection. Money drives the world of 666 and it is his system of economic advantage that is part of the World Order.

How Clean Is Your Cloud?

Cloud computing has been a hot topic for these past few years and it's bringing its best game in changing the technology world, making life easier and faster. On the other hand, global warming has been an age old environmental topic that has got the world at its mercy. It is a term used to describe the century scale rise in the average temperature of the earth's climate change and its related effects. But the question is, how does these two totally different topics have any relation and how do they affect each other?

Computer expects and environmentalist have questioned if cloud computing is an actual game changer or green washing. Cloud computers have been progressive in its advancement for years now. Another question that is asked is how clean is your cloud? Is the cloud harming the environment in any way?
With a general overview of both arguments, I would say it causes less harm to the environment as expected. From the environmentalist's view, data centres are needed to keep up with the cloud server capacity intake resulting in high energy consumption meaning high level of consumption of fossil fuel which is harmful to the environment.
On the other hand, computer experts argue that there is a resource virtualization that has a single running multiple operating system that run simultaneously. This causes a tremendous reduction in the server footprint meaning the server occupying less space which is beneficial to the ecology thus reduce power consumption.
Also, in relation to cloud computing it is argued that data centres tend to be more energy efficient compared to server room. Many industries and companies now using the cloud infrastructure have resolved to data centres instead of server rooms. This is both beneficial to the companies and to the environment as well. The data centres are designed specifically for supporting large amount of computer hardware.
Despite data centres' contribution to global warming, data centres are still finding ways and means to be energy efficient. They are less build-up of heat due to data centre virtualization. When there is a virtualization of data centres that means less hardware is used resulting in less heat been generated which in turn benefits the environment.
In addition to the data centre virtualization, there is a reduction in the carbon dioxide footprint like preferably using free cooling thus the natural air to cool data centres to using air conditioned devices to cool, energy monitoring software and power saving standby modes.
Even though users of cloud computing are trying to reduce its effect on the environment, there is still negative effects from the use of cloud to the environment. It is reported that the IT responsible for as much greenhouse gas generation as aviation industry with some server farms consuming the energy equivalent of 180000 homes. There is an old saying that a man cannot serve two masters but I think Cloud computing is defying that adage by serving two masters thus harming the environment and saving the environment at the same time.
High end organizations like Google and Yahoo are also trying their best to promote greener data centres by reducing energy consumptions at its data centres by increasing its use of renewable energy.
Small companies and individuals can also do their possible best to help save the environment by using the cloud server to store information for easy access than printing sheets of papers every day. This will go a long way to help the environment.
From my perspective, my cloud is fairly clean. The cloud users are finding ways to make it more beneficial to the environment. It will take time for every cloud user to be on board but as long as the process is on-going and significant contributions are being made, my cloud is fairly clean.

Data Center, Server, Computer and Laptop Hard Drive Destruction

An extensive title, but it is all-encompassing none the less. In my 14 plus years of touching devices, I can say that I have seen and felt thousands of pieces of equipment. Though the scenarios in which I am working with the different types of equipment, and the clients certainly do vary. So what are some of the situations that allow for me to handle these various pieces of equipment? Good question, so here is my short list... data center relocations, A/V relocations, data center decommissioning, and green recycling projects.
I would attest that physical security in my field of work is number one, and my clients feel the same way. My thought is the people I work with are so aware (nervous) about chain of custody, CYA, and the end result being nothing less than exceptional. This is no matter the scope of work we are performing. I often find myself hearing clients expressing in a subtle way that they really want to know I care about their project, reputation, and it's not just about hitting their wallets as hard and fast as I can. My work ethic is such that the part in which I have played in a client's project makes think I leave a little bit of myself behind each time. So yes I am emotionally involved in each and every client/client project.
Leaving the various scopes of work on hold for a moment, there is one particular aspect often discussed with clients. It's pretty much standard conversation, and if it isn't, I am without a doubt going to spark conversation on it. The title of this article says it all, Hard Drive & Media Destruction. I would like to educate you on the simple definition of destruction. Destruction is a noun, pronounced /dYÈstrYkSH(Y)n/; and the definition is the action or process of causing so much damage to something that it no longer exists or cannot be repaired.
I have such a deep emotional tie to the services I am involved in, and look/prepare for worst case 100% of the time. The simple reason (not really) is that I have been performing tech services for over a decade and have seen/heard most of it. To be honest I still see many new things, but this is off topic.
So in keeping this article to the point and direct, there is only one way to create a safe end of life solution for your data storage, BY DESTROYING IT (then green recycle). Companies and people alike take our environment into consideration more now than in the past with green recycling the massive amounts of e-waste. Far more people in the past (and now) did not consider the data held on hard drives, and would call the recycling guy to come down and "haul" their junk to be "recycled". Like anything in life, all business and work ethic are not created equally. Some of that "recycled" equipment and hard drives that were supposed to be "junked" in fact ended up on online auction sites, and sold locally. This, then and now is a PR nightmare, and can often times never be undone. Especially if the data on the hard drives was extracted by someone who shouldn't have it. Remember that your companies name is attached to the equipment as well, so we wouldn't want to hear reports of "junked" equipment being found with your asset tag or serial number down by the local river.
Some fly by night "recyclers" were found not even attempting to remove the data from hard drives, or they were using "formatting" software to "erase" the hard drives. The problem is, if you are a targeted company or person; there are a multitude of people that have the abilities to recover data from a "erased" hard drive. This is one scenario from the past, and it is just as relevant today! Change the story line just a little, and it applies no matter.
IBM sponsored the 11th annual Cost of Data Breach Study, which is the industry's gold-standard benchmark research, independently conducted by Ponemon Institute. 2016's study found the average consolidated total cost of a data breach grew from $3.8 million in 2015 to $4 million dollars! In addition to the data breach cost data, Ponemon Institute's global study puts the likelihood of a material data breach involving 10,000 lost or stolen records within the next 24 months at 26%. These numbers will make you lose your breath, and I hope it doesn't make you lose sleep because of your last hard drive, media, and recycling pickup.
The entire point of this article is to raise your awareness on data breaches, and theft of data. Unless you plan to keep and redeploy not in use hard drives internally, please mechanically shred all hard drives and media storage! In my opinion the risk in using 3rd party applications to delete drive prior to disposing, or trusting someone to take your intact hard drives away isn't worth your reputation or your companies.
I believe in what I do, and also base my belief in the end result. An absolute solution for hard drive disposal and destruction is by one simple method, mechanically shredding drives... period.

How Technology Advancements Has Its Impact on Us

The advancement of new technology has been taking place since the beginning of human history. From the invention of items like the spear and knives made out of rocks and sticks to aid in the capturing and killing of animals for food, to items like the first printing press and the computer. The question: are the impacts positive or negative?
Technology is a word used to collectively describe or portray the advancements, abilities,creations, undertakings, views, and knowledge of a singular group of persons: we as human-kind. The advancement in technology has been exceptionally fast in the 20th and 21st century. With electronic technology and machines being produced and improved all the time, it was very likely that along with the positive aspects of these new advancements, people would also consider the negative aspects and look to criticize new technology.

A Positive Side
As the old age states "NECESSITY IS THE MOTHER OF INVENTION" i.e. necessities tend to spawn inventions and each invention is annexed with the need of betterment and transmogrification. Newer and newer advances are happening by the day. Technological change is in large part responsible for many of the secular trends in such basic parameters of the human condition as the size of the world population, life expectancy, education levels, material standards of living,and the nature of work, communication, health care, war, and the effects of human activities on the natural environment.
Other aspects of society and our individual lives are also influenced by technology in many direct and indirect ways, including governance,entertainment, human relationships, and our views on morality, mind, matter, and our own human nature. Needless to add that these advancements also invigorate economic development as the effective use of technology reduces the material production cost and the overhead charges which generate savings in the economy and thus lead to national development.
And the Negative Side
Problems and potentials often go hand in hand; Society has become more and more dependent on technology. So much so that we sometimes lack the willingness to think before we act. We become impatient if it takes more than a few seconds to download a copy of the morning news paper. We expect immediate responses to our email, and we expect someone to answer their cell phone whenever and wherever we call.
Technology is making us so bust that we can can't even find time to spend with our closed one's. it would be surprising to know that people are in contact through chat and online messaging though they are in same city because they think its more faster and effective but they are forgetting that meeting personally can never replace online chatting.
"technology in sum, is both friend and enemy"
Neil Postman, author of the book called Technopoly, writes that 'technology in sum, is both friend and enemy'. He can see the benefits and how technology can be seen as a friend to humanity that 'it makes life easier, cleaner and longer'. He can accept it does humanity good. It's almost a positive claim based on technology like medical advancements such as x-ray devices and medical drugs that help to lengthen life and help humanity. This is a very positive aspect of the advancement because we can improve health and lengthen our lives. But these medical advancements are mainly produced by companies, who then choose to monetize the advancement. Moral responsibility is weakened by this greed for money; they have lost the objective in saving lives or making people healthy again. They are only creating advancements in technology in order to make a lot of money.
Neil Postman also sees technology as undermining human processes as well. That technology creates 'a culture without moral foundation' and undermines social relations between humans. This can currently be seen with the argument over social networking sites on the internet. It was created for people to communicate and network, yet some people use it as their only form of communication with other people. This doesn't necessarily help their social skills in the real and outside world away from the internet. People can become addicted and reliant on this technology and use it as their main form for creating social relations. It makes things like understanding facial expressions and body language hard to grasp.
If technological advancements are put in the best uses, it further inspires the development in related and non-related areas but at the same time its negative use can create havoc in the humanity or the world. Technology has, and will, change the moral fabric of humanity; it is up to the present generation to heed this warning and not allow such societal travesties of immense proportions ever to occur again Technological Advancements will continue to advance rapidly as we move into the next millennium. What is important is to ensure that these advances benefit humanity as a whole...

DB Access Through VR Technology

This article will make us well-versed with technological aspects of Virtual Reality and its applications especially in the field of scientific databases and clinical trials. Virtual Reality , VR in short is a computer-generated, multidimensional sensory, artificial environment that users experience via interference tools that enable them to immerse themselves in the new environment, navigate within it and interact with objects and characters inhabiting the environment. This gives the user the impression of being in that world. VR is a way for humans to visualize, manipulate and interact with computers and extremely complex data like scientific databases. This article acquaints the readers that VR provides a uniquely different interface to access scientific database, which is a SANDBOX: Scientists Accessing Necessary Data Based on eXperimentation. This virtual reality tool allows the investigator to collect data from the scientific databases without ever typing in a query. The article describes in detail about scientific DB, need of SANDBOX along with how it works and its implementation in NASA. It also provides an insight into the digital Eye Bank used in clinical trials. The article is concluded with some recommendations on the full-fledged scope of VR in clinical trials along with its usage in the areas of Internal Medicine and Surgery.

Virtual reality:
We are familiar with the movie, Matrix and its series. The concept or, the technology used in this movie is Virtual Reality! British Novelist, Roald Dahl, has rightly said, We make realities out of our dreams and dreams out of our realities. We are the dreamers of the dream. Agent Smith and Neo are fighting with each other in a virtual environment; they have immersed themselves in a computer-generated artificial environment. What does the term virtual means? It means something which is not real; as simple as ABC! According to the American Heritage Dictionary, virtual means, existing in essence or effect though not in actual fact or form . Technology, which converges to form VR, is itself very sophisticated and hi-tech. This promising technology provides the best way to visualize information, enabling direct interaction for the user.
We live in a world whose properties we have come to know well through long familiarity. A display connected to a digital computer gives us a chance to gain familiarity with concepts not realizable in the physical world. It is a looking glass into a mathematical world. The ultimate display is a room within which a computer can control the existence of matter. The cardinal virtue of virtual reality is the ability to give users the sense that they are somewhere else .
Implementations of VR
BMW uses VR to generate various models during car production, Flight simulators are used to train pilots, NASA uses it to train astronauts for space walk, having virtual super-powers in a game may incite people to better behavior in the real world. Participants who were given the power to fly like Superman in virtual reality were more helpful afterward, out of virtual reality. The researchers suggest that embodying a superpower in virtual reality may make players to 'think like superheroes' and thus, facilitate subsequent helpful behavior in the real world. Some of the implementations present in various fields are:
Automobile, Aviation and NASA
Education like Mutual Telexistence, Virtual Rooms, Distributed VR, Steve etc
Internal Medicine
Anxiety disorders like PTSD
Artificial limb development,
Wound care of burn patients SnowWorld etc
Phobias SpiderWorld etc
Pain/anxiety during injections
Endoscopic therapy after Single Event Multilevel Surgery (SEMLS) for cerebral palsy
Train surgeons for laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Virtual Superheroes, 30 Jan 2013
Scientific databases store large amounts of information typically collected through experimentation. This information is then made available to investigators from a wide range of disciplines, mostly unfamiliar with databases and their associated query languages. A new interface to scientific databases, the SANDBOX: Scientists Accessing Necessary Data Based On eXperimentation has come. The SANDBOX is a virtual reality tool allowing an investigator to visualize the contents of a scientific database while retrieving data. As the data in these databases was typically collected through experimentation, an investigator can use the SANDBOX to retrieve data from the database by placing virtual instruments into a virtual reenactment of the original experiment in the same way as investigator uses an actual instrument to collect data from nature. These instruments give visual and auditory feedback, allowing the user to browse through the data, setting up and running experiments until they have collected the data they need. The SANDBOX allows users to become immersed in the DB. SANDBOX gives the investigator an environment to work in, rather than just a screen to look at. A prototype of the SANDBOX on a subset of NASA's FIFE scientific database using the CAVE virtual reality theatre to access climatology theatre has already been implemented.
The CAVE is a projection based virtual reality system. The user enters a 10 foot by 10 foot by 10 foot room (or even 20ft by 20ft by 20ft in NASA) where images are projected onto the three of the walls and the floor. When the user dons a pair of lightweight StereoView LCD shutter glasses, the projected images fill the room and surround the user. The user can move around the room reasonably unencumbered, and can walk around or through the virtual objects in the CAVE. Since they can see their own bodies, users have a true sense of being inside the virtual environment. The user carries a physical three button wand to interact with the virtual objects in the CAVE.
SANDBOX is composed of 3 main components: VR Interface, Preprocessor and Local Memory. The VR Interface is responsible for maintaining the virtual environment. It displays the virtual instruments visually and audibly, and monitors the user s actions within the virtual environment. Based on the user s actions, the VR Interface sends requests to the Preprocessor to obtain the necessary data. Based on the current virtual time the VR Interface displays the appropriate data from the local memory. The Preprocessor is responsible for interfacing with the various components of the scientific DB to quickly retrieve data according to the needs of the VR interface and store it in Local Memory. The Local Memory maintains all the info necessary to support the VR Interface. This includes info on the user, the various tracking devices and the instruments that the user has placed in the virtual environment. The database schema is hidden from the user, while still giving the user access to the data. They deal with familiar concepts and instruments in a more natural environment. They can perform visualization while retrieving data.
User is surrounded by an elevated 3D plane on the floor, a pallet of instruments to choose from the right wall, a calendar to choose date from the left wall and a graph, which is displayed on front wall. All the values are displayed in the form of a graph.
Each scientific DB has its own set of instruments. The instruments on the pallet are 3D and animated. Left column of the instrument pallet has instruments like thermometer, wind sock and water beaker, which is linked to columns in relational DB. Center column of the instrument pallet has instruments like LANDSAT satellite, airplane and helicopter, which is linked to graphic files. Right column of the instrument pallet has instruments like Notepad and camera, which is linked to metadata. The user can pick an instrument off the instrument pallet, carry it over to a site, and place it there. Once the instrument is placed at a site, it begins to operate. The mercury level in the thermometer rises and falls with the temperature. The water level in the beaker rises and falls with the rainfall. The orientation of the wind-sock changes with the direction, and speed of the wind. The user can also hear the instruments. A beaker makes a drip sound when its water level rises. The faster the water level is rising, the louder the drip . The average strength of the wind measured by all the wind-socks is used to generate the whoosh sound the strength of the wind determines the pitch of the whoosh . The average temperature measured by all the thermometers is used to generate a cicada sound the higher the temperature, the louder the cicada . An instrument draws attention to itself when there is a change in the value it is monitoring. A user requiring information about a site (textual meta-data) can place the notepad at a site. A page with the text then appears above it. A user requiring a photograph taken at a site (graphical meta-data) can place the camera at a site. The picture of that site then appears above it. In the actual scientific DB, the user would have to integrate this info manually probably through SQL queries. When the user places virtual instruments into the virtual environment, they convert data and give the user feedback in visual and auditory form. The investigator can use this feedback to add additional instruments to the experiment, move the instruments to other locations, or remove unnecessary instruments. There is a continuous visual representation of the instruments on the pallet, placed at sites, and in the user s hand. The user physically places instruments instead of typing queries and can immediately see the result of an action. This allows a novice user to quickly begin using the system to run experiments. Instruments have their current values displayed graphically, audibly, and numerically.
The user can change the settings on a virtual environment using the menu. They can set the minimum and maximum values displayed by the instrument. They can even turn on or off whether the instrument displays quantitative values overhead, whether its values are shown on graph, and whether the instrument makes sound. Each instrument maintains its own individual settings.
Sequence of Actions to create SANDBOX
  1. Create the space and time mapping functions
  2. Use the existing metadata in the DB to create a familiar environment
  3. Choose the instrument classes, access functions, and filter functions from an existing library, or create them as needed
  4. Create the linkages as needed
The first 2 steps are necessary to setup the virtual environment
After that, instruments can be created and linked to DB as they are needed
Digital Eye Bank
Clinical trials can be time-consuming, expensive and intrusive, but they are also necessary. Thus, University of Tennessee Space Institute in Tullahoma developed an invention that makes clinical trials more efficient by moving them into the virtual world. Digital Eye bank is a computer software eye modeling program. It includes data from people s eyes for researchers to use when testing their inventions. It takes data from eyes of patients and builds it into models from the commercial optics program to be used for researchers virtual clinical trials. The idea of Eye Bank is to use existing clinical data and build in realistic and personalized eye models stored in a ready-to-use tool kit like a group of volunteers, said Chen. Then we can call on any specific eye to test a newly designed optical instrument on the computer and see what kind of performance the design gets. This testing can be done repeatedly without hurting real human subjects.
These days in most of the clinical trials, the types and conditions of eyes that are studied are not as varied as desired because it is difficult and expensive to find the diversity and range of subjects. Hence, it results in uncertainty in the performance of new instruments to detect and diagnose a range of unusual eye conditions. In the virtual world, users can manipulate the eye, such as opening it partially or rotating the pupil. They can also add certain conditions like growing a cataract or, developing a tear duct issue. This allows users to see how well their instrument measures in response to such conditions. For instance, we can predict how one person's eye can react to LASIK surgery and simulate the day and night vision after the procedure," said Chen. "Today, it is also not well known on how the long-term outcome of new interventions would be. But in the virtual world, we could induce cataract and dry eye and other aging conditions to predict the possible complicated outcomes and problems." Eye Bank can also be helpful in medical education like training students on diseased eyes. Though it s currently used for optical research yet researchers see broad applications for this promising technology.

Important Tips To Improve Photogrammetry Scanning Quality

Photogrammetry can simply be defined as the measurement of photographs. It is a process that largely depends on camera positioning around the given subject and light control to create high resolution details of skin and clothing. The scanning can be used for capturing data for various projects including face replacements and CG characters. With so many variables to control, photogrammetry scanning can be overwhelming. There is just too much trial and errors involved to achieve best practices but with a few helpful tips, it is very possible to achieve accuracy and top quality with the process.

Tip 1 - Think about overlapping coverage. When building your setup, you should use as many cameras as possible so you are able to reduce or minimize manual cleanup later. Enough coverage translates into very decent recreation and you will also rarely miss any information when you use enough cameras so manual cleanup is very minimal.
Tip 2 - Put in measures to minimize distortions. When there are distortions, it is given that your system will have issues aligning the images. The fact is that most Photogrammetry systems come with a lens that helps reduce images, but it is always a much better choice to try and minimize it in-camera. Use tools that match with the camera format that you are using to get the best results every time.
Tip 3 - Mask out the background to dramatically improve overall quality of generated mesh and post processing time. It is a process that can be time consuming, especially when you need to go through every single picture but it pays off in the end. If manual masking is something you would rather avoid, then you can use systems that offer automatic masking feature to achieve a clean background. It also helps to tie cables together and eliminating any junk from the frame, especially when using a camera rig.
Tip 4 - Focus on more resolution when operating. You can use as much as necessary from your sensor because the more the resolution you can achieve then the more detailed your mesh is going to be. Try every way not to waste a single pixel if you can actually use it for quality benefits.
Tip 5 - Remember that lighting remains key in all kinds of photography. To increase depth of filed and eliminate photo noise, keep your aperture small and ISO as low as you can. But because doing so will definitely decrease amount of light that you get to work with, ensure that you have other light sources to substitute. Consider using flashes over continuous lighting that are less efficient, less color accurate and expensive for that matter. Flashes keep talent comfortable and enough lit unlike continuous lights that can produce heat leaving enclosed rig hot.
Tip 6 - Pay attention to photo orientation. It is factor that plays a huge role in accuracy of projects and it needs to be accurate for every camera position. Increase number of well-positioned points to improve orientation quality. These points should take up a greater percentage of photograph area.

MacBook Pro: High Performance at a Price

Innovation has always been a hallmark at Apple.
The new MacBook Pro is no different.
Available soon, Mac fans will find the device has many new features and improvements that should keep this laptop in high demand for both personal and business use.
Start with the design both inside and out. The Pro has an aluminum body, solid state design, and a Core i7 processor. It is more powerful yet thinner and lighter than its predecessors. Try 17% thinner, a significant difference.
Two sizes are available. A smaller 13 inch version weighs in at just three pounds. The 15 inch version weighs just four pounds.
Some fans have been clamoring for a touch screen application from Apple, and the new Pro delivers but in a different way.
Apple has created The Touch Bar. It replaces the function keys that have long occupied the top of the keyboard. This can provide automatic adjustments for system controls like volume and brightness. It provides interactive ways to adjust or browse through content and type with features like emoji and predictive text.
Speed has also been improved. The Pro is said to deliver graphics at a rate 130% faster than before.
The retina display has become an Apple standard and some new enhancements provide colors even more vibrant than before. Brightness is increased by 67 per cent.
Audio is enhanced with totally redesigned speakers. Apple promises 58% more volume and two and a half times more bass. The Pro will enable you to mix a track on the fly, edit video on location, and enjoy a movie as you head to your destination.
For the first time Touch ID is available on a Mac. This enables instant access to logins and fast, secure online purchases with Apple Pay.
The MacBook Pro has a better feel. The keyboard is more comfortable and responsive. The Force Touch Trackpad has been enlarged so your fingers have a little more room to work with.
Those needing extensive business applications will find four USB-C/Thunderbolt 3 ports included on both sized devices.
You will need a new Thunderbolt 3 adapter if you wish to use a hard drive. Once connected, you can integrate data transfer, charging, and video output in a single connector, delivering up to 40 Gbps of throughput for twice the bandwidth of Thunderbolt 2.
The device offers 3.8 GHz with Turbo Boost Processing. Users can expect up to 10 hours of battery life.
And, of course, users will get the MacOS operating system. You can connect with all the Apple apps, iCloud, iPhone 7, Apple Watch and other features.
Prices tend to run to the high-end. They start around $1,500 for the 13 inch model with 256 GB of storage and no Touch Bar or Touch ID. The "Touch" features begin at the mid-level model which runs $1,800. Add more storage to 512 GB and the price hits $2,000.
The 15 inch has similar price elevations. The bare bones model without the Touches runs $2,000. The mid and high-end models with both Touches start at $2,400 for the 256 GB model and hit $2,800 for 512 GBs of storage.
Overall the MacBook Pro has formidable computing power, superb build quality and the long battery life you would expect.
It is an attractive replacement for those seeking a Mac quality high-end desk top in a laptop. Though it comes at a handsome price.
George Rosenthal is a founder and partner with ThrottleNet Inc.. ThrottleNet offers an array of technology services and products to help business owners achieve their corporate goals and accelerate business growth. These include cloud computing, custom software and mobile application development, and outsourced Managed Network Services which helps companies improve their technology uptime and IT